A Comprehensive Approach to Energy Project Finance
Mainstay Energy is your partner to advance your project towards construction and on to commercial operation.
In the conceptualization phase, Mainstay will help you bring together the key project participants to anchor the project: the customers to buy the products, suppliers of the feedstocks and technologies as needed, and the government incentives to close funding gaps.
With the project concept firmly ensconced, Mainstay will move with you into project definition, where the core project stakeholders are brought together, and the major agreements are executed. The engineering, legal, regulatory, interconnects, operations and maintenance plan, and technology licenses must all be carefully constructed in a way such that each supports the rest, and the project gains structure and momentum. A well-defined project at this stage will attract the equity investment needed to reach the next stage.
The engagement of the engineering, procurement, and construction contractor culminates this phase, which segues to the execution, which is an all-out effort to reach financial close, and a notice to proceed on major construction. The permitting, public approvals, and zoning must successfully complete, bolstered by an active community engagement process. The package for the lenders is put together and financial close is achieved.
Mainstay's scope of services usually ends once the project reaches financial close and begins major construction. We will help bring experts to your team for construction management, start-up and commissioning, and operations and maintenance.
Contact Mainstay today to discuss your project and we can work together to understand what phase you are currently at, and how we can help you to bring together a great excutiion team and get over the finish line.