Mainstay Knows Government Incentives
Loan Guarantees
Mainstay has a track record of success developing applications and shepherding clients through the process of a federal loan guarantee. We worked with clients in 2008 and 2010 for $1.6 billion and $1.9 billion in federal financing authorized by the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The application is complex and involved, and Mainstay will lead the way and bring together a hand-picked team of third-party experts to make sure the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed.
State Grants
States are ready to help with energy projects, and Mainstay is ready to help you to make sure that they help you. Mainstay has experience in working with state government on a start-to-finish process of developing the story, identifying suitable state programs, building up support, completing a grant process, and then administering the compliance program.
Tax Credits, Production Incentives
Mainstay has run the gamut of other government incentives, including 45Q carbon sequestration tax credits, IRS Section 48 industrial and power tax credits, renewable production tax credits, renewable energy certificates (RECs), renewable fuel standards (RIN compliance). Talk to Mainstay about whether your project qualifies, and how these credits or production incentives could help close a financing gap.